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Farbspektakel der Natur

Iridescent crystals, glowing polar lights, or luminous algae in the sea are breathtakingly beautiful. But behind the beauty lies more than meets the eye: the study of these colorful phenomena reveals not only fascinating insights about our planet but also about potential applications. During the guided tour through the exhibition at focusTerra, you will discover […]

Unter der Haut – Anatomische Sammlung der Haustiere

The animal body and its functions are complex masterpieces of nature. In the Anatomical Collection of Domestic Animals at ETH Zurich, scientific animal specimens and organ models provide an extraordinary glimpse into our domestic and livestock animals. Established over 150 years ago, the collection is now under cultural heritage protection. Currently, efforts are underway to […]

Virtuell in das Gotthard Massiv abtauchen, ein Serious Game spielen

Landscape is more complex than it appears at first glance, and it can be difficult to understand the relationships within it. Underground infrastructure in particular is difficult to grasp spatially, but has a significant impact on landscape design. People's perceptions of how a landscape should be designed vary widely, and conflicts among interest groups can […]